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Highmark Federal Credit Union
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New: Member-Friendly Guidance On How To Pay Bills Online


The instructions for signing up for e-statements are as follows:

  1. Sign into your account
  2. Select (Click On) the savings/checking account (or any other share/loan) you want to enroll 
  3. Select “Settings”
  4. Select “Documents”
  5. Select “Enroll all accounts”

We've gathered some of our most popularly asked questions since the new website and online platform launched, and want to share those Questions and Answers with you here:

Q: On my mobile app, why can't I see the detail of the transaction when I use my Highmark credit card? All it shows is Loan Advance or Recurring Loan Advance and the amount. 
A: Great question. Lots of members are confused by this. Simply click on the individual transaction under that specific date and you will be able to see the full detail about where the card was used. 

Q: How do I log off the Mobile App? I want to be sure I am logged off and it is secure.
A: There is no log off button for the mobile app.  As soon as you close the app or switch to a new app, you are automatically logged out and will need to log back in. 

Q: How can I find my e-statements?
A:  You can find statements by clicking on the title to one of your accounts and then choosing Documents from the next list of to do items. 

Q: I want to deposit my check remotely. Why can’t I find that on the app?
A:  You must be signed up for e-statements in order to have access to remote deposit.  Follow the instructions for e-statement sign up under Documents to sign up!

Q: Why does the app keep sending a passcode to my phone when I already did this once?
A:  Whenever you use a new IP address to connect to your account, multi-factor authentication will trigger and send a passcode to the phone of your choice.  Either by text or call.  If the original method chosen is not your preferred method to receive the code, please call 605-716-4444 and a representative can reset your authentication so you can set up a new method of authentication.

Q: It doesn’t look like Quicken is working with this app. Why not?
A:  You must reconnect Quicken to the new system.  This means you will need to disconnect from the old system and re-add your account with Highmark in order to connect to the new Online Banking System.  Please contact Quicken if you need help with this process.

Q: With all the economic uncertainty now, I’m wondering if it’s safe to keep my money in my Highmark accounts. Should I be withdrawing my funds to keep them safe?
A: COVID-19 has pummeled the economy in an unprecedented way, and financial experts say the economic fallout of the pandemic is just beginning. But that doesn’t mean you need to start hoarding your money under your mattress. You don’t need to worry about the money you have at Highmark Credit Union. The country may be battling a raging pandemic and the economy might be barely limping along, but neither of these factors affect the security of your funds here at our credit union. As always, Highmark is federally insured up to $250,000 per single owner share by the National Credit Union Administration  This means your money is protected here no matter what’s happening on Wall Street or to the global economy. The economy might be unstable right now and the immediate future of the country still unknown, but there’s one thing you can count on:Your money is secure at Highmark. To get the exact amount that your shares are insured for, based on the number and kinds of accounts you have, check out the link here, provided by the National Credit Union Administration. 

And Did You Know?

Account Nick-Names: You can nickname your accounts through online banking so you can distinguish between multiple accounts across multiple membership numbers.  You can nick-name accounts by clicking on settings and then hitting the rename link next to the current account name on this page. 

Check re-orders:  Currently you cannot request a check re-order while logged into your account.  (We are working to get this option integrated).  For now, please go to our homepage and click on tools and services then choose check re-order from the drop down list to re-order checks. 

External Accounts:  You can now transfer between institutions by setting up external account transfers.  From the mobile app this is located under Menu>Settings>External Transfers add an account.  From within your browser log in this is located under Transfers>External Accounts then +External Account.  Initially it will take 24 to 48 hours to set up the account because two deposit test transfers must be verified before regular transfers can take place.  You will enter the deposit amounts of the two small test transfers in the same spot you went to add the external account. 

If you have further questions, or just need some assistance finding your way around the new app, please call us Monday -Friday 8:30-7:00 at 1.800.672.6365 or reach out here

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